The Final Merge

I am starting from the place where I left with my previous post two years back, my quest still continues. I took the example of Narad-Muni's (नारद मुनि) interstellar travel, taking it a bit further now. Assuming all the laws of physics hold true, precisely the speed of light being a universal constant. If Narad is able to travel infinite distances with a blink of eye, it implies that his mass is infinite (ref. Einstein's theory of relativity). Infinite!
    Now, lets try to build a picture of an infinite mass. We all are able to imagine a picture of planet or a galaxy. The distance to the rim of a galaxy is literally infinite. I am trying to bring the scientifically modelled picture of the infiniteness here, but, hold on we are not there yet. After a galaxy, there comes group of galaxies in hierarchy, better called as 'Local Group' or 'Cluster'. Another level Up, its group of clusters called 'Super-cluster'. Keep calculating the perceptive distance that travelled from our initial coordinates and the mass that we have added so far. Beyond the super-clusters there is a huge void(unknown) and even beyond this, is the farthest science has gone and is called the rim of observable universe.
    The astronomical models have predicted a picture standing on the rim of observable universe, the picture of 'Cosmos', same as taking a pic of world from space above. Here is the link. Did something strike inside your head looking at the picture? No? Remember the elementary-biology class of high school, this picture is exactly similar to our own human 'neurons in action' inside the tiny head of ours. All this human neuron in action when engulfed into an 'complex' and 'lively' envelop, is 'consciousness'. Now extrapolate the previous sentence for the cosmos and you get the word 'cosmic consciousness' or alternately 'super-consciousness'. All the planets, galaxies are actually interacting within the cosmos with each-other based on the analogy and results of astrophysics. There you go, you have just understood 'God' in terms of science. 'Cosmic consciousness' is God. Infinite mass that we have been calculating and the living nature of cosmos, is God. The farthest humans could imagine is God. You think of something and your consciousness does it; when one person thinks of something and other one gets it without any physical means of communication, the consciousness is connected; extrapolate and think of everything as consciousness, connected with each-other, no geometric figure to define, no mass to define.I just imagined/understood the word Nirakaar while writing this. Probably, this might have cleared some questions about how Narad is synonymous to God and the scene of Mahabharat, how Krishna showed the galaxies inside his mouth making a sense. The super-consciousness can manifest wherever, whichever physical coordinate it want's to.
    We as humans have a part of the super-consciousness inside us which stays as a localized consciousness, unaware-unconnected with the cosmic consciousness. The moment of merging of the human consciousness with the super-consciousness is called Yoga (phonetically योग), Oneness of human consciousness to the cosmic consciousness is Yoga. It is like the moment you get your degree after years of hard work. Ancient Indian Hrishi-Munis did device the pathways to attain Yoga (Kriya yoga, Karma yoga, Hath yoga etc. namely) like the subjects and courses. Science got derived from spiritualism previously, now science is moving towards spiritualism. Ah, a blissful thought. The next time when you see someone doing a physical exercise (which might be an Asana) and calling it Yogaa (phonetically योगा), give'em a pitiful face or slam them, for that, they have not understood the meaning of Yoga or that they are being fooled in the name of it,
even the wikipedia has wrongly interpreted information. So, the achievement of the interstellar cosmic travel can only be done by merging the finite into the infinite otherwise wait till the humans reach the state of Gods in the evolutionary cycle, statistically which would take billions of years. I call 'Yoga' running the 'Final Merge Query' (forgive me for framing the word Yoga in a database terminology, since everything is interconnected this should not offend anyone) and to be able to run this query we need to invest ourselves into ancient pathways!! The more I think and imagine outwards, the more journey takes me inwards. The quest still continues. 


sleepingghost said…
Interesting write up which enforces a few of my own beliefs as well. Keep writing and don't take so long gaps :-)
10 hundred % agreed .... we(you n me) used to do discussion on consciousness and cosmos in similar lines ... and apparently i also mentioned similar thoughts in my articles "Illusion of your Absolute Existence" and "correlation".....but not exactly much in deep like you did.......a very nice and expressive article bravo!!.

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