Have you seen the star wars movie series? I had. And I have seen several other movies also, developing a habit to find some or the other striking psychological quote which can be interpreted in different ways. Then it takes some processing iterations inside my brain to understand its possible perceptive vision and then absorb only the positive one. Coming back to star wars, there is character called Yoda who is master of all the white knights-saviors of galaxies. Yoda character has the most powerful and awesome psychological quotes in the entire series. Best out of them all -- ‘ Try not, Do or do not there is no try ’. After some iteration I have found a highly positive energy coming out of it. Let me torch the same fire inside you. To me ‘TRY’ is just an English word which is developed to compensate our feelings on all of our failed events in life. It is a synonym to ‘FAIL’ for me. Actually there are only two possible events SUCCESS/FA...