
              Torrid religious fights, war between countries, acts to bring others down etc. are onto an endless list obstructing the real advancement of humans. The advancement in terms of mastering the science-frontier with the Inter-Dimensional or Inter-Steller travel, sweetly known as Star-Trek. The only arena of science which is the basis of our economic and knowledge development. Gig physicists work towards it, giving a forward drive to development, for rest of us. But the Pace is slower than it would have been!
           A reason, our development in terms of the '3 civilization types' is at 'Type 0 civilization' level and journey towards 'Type 1 civilization' is decelerated due to the tussle between our communities. Type 1 civilization is a minimum development criterion forseen by great physicists of our time, who would be able to make an inter-stellar journey, essentially the criterion talks of all the nations being one. We are still stuck in fights of developing nations, rather the whole world has to join hands together to be able to accelerate towards Type 1. Only step that I could see that we are really moving to be called as a Type 1 civilization is the building of International Space Station where we have joined hands, certain non-profit organizations who care about people not looking into what religion they belong and ofcourse the internet. Still most of the world is stuck in fights between religions! Darn the people involved in the communal fight.
             Another reason, most important one, we are relying on an unproved 'String theory' which will lead us to Star-Trek in future. Our scientific community has done too-much of work on this theory over the years and took it as a baseline but with the recent works on the dark matter and black holes do put a huge exclamatory mark over the correctness of String theory! If this theory goes wrong, I believe we'll be again into the stone age of science, a big big U-turn.
            Void. Here is a thought to our community of physicists, a lost pathway to science: We are able to see any of the dimension only if it expands or intersects with other. Imagine, if length, breadth and height would have not intersected. I call ghosts (previously a pseudo-science hokum which doen't seem so now with scientific community generating proofs about it) as people from our dimension who moved to a space which is intersection of other dimensions. Normally we donot see them, when our dimension intersects with theirs we see them. They being people who knew our 4D world with the knowledge of their dimensions seem powerful to us in our dimensions. Imagine a person who has knowledge of all the 11 dimensions (a number calculated by physicists) and their intersections. Won't we call him GOD !! Our scientist gave the idea that, we have to be Masters of Hyperspace to do an inter-stellar journey. Definition wise this Hyperspace is an energy-field generated between our dimensions which creates a warp-tunnel for Star-Trek connecting the seemingly impossible.
             The only proof of such kind of travel happening in the past is in the Hindu mythology where the most avid inter-dimensional and inter-steller traveller had been our funny and favourite 'नारद मुनि' (best example out of many), travelling within a blink of eye to any place in the entire cosmos or whatever space you can call. This gives and impression that, to be a inter-dimensional traveller of this kind we have to be God like. God came to earth in different forms in every religion and showed us humans some path depending on the development of our religions. Except Hinduism none has the slightest trace of inter-dimensional travel. So if the physicist community is searching for a single religion for a Type 1 civilization, I propose Hinduism. I am not being communal, it is by the theory based on a logic and in favor of the science to achieve the knowledge for Star-Trek as the whole proven repository of 'knowledge for ordinary humans to become God like' was himself created by God in Hinduism. It might be hidden in the old manuscripts but it ain't lost.
           Consider this as a previously promised conclusion to my blogpost of September '08-'The Cuisine for Brain'. Thanks to Sir Michio Kaku for educating a naive like me. I will learn to create such infinite number of cuisines for my brain when the whole Hindu mythology and old hidden science waits for me, though I won't give-up on the current physics as it helps me understand everything better logically. Seems like the different higher dimensions approaching as the dream of a world we've never seen is getting closer, let the cuisine preparation for Star-Trek begin......


Nice work Bro...You articulated a string of your thoughts really well but I feel, you could have been a little more conclusive by the end about the whole idea.
Amritash said…
@SS/bond: Thnx sir
@IM_PIYUSH: Thnx. Stay tuned lot more coming :)
sleepingghost said…
Very fresh and interesting.

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