Matrix effect

Last Night, was my longest working run in office.
As usual I was suppossed to solve THE problem (creation of some unusual brains)
instead of the REAL problem (which actually wasn't one), third time in a single week!!

I was in no mood to do a fight for the IRK, but then real Captain came in picture;
taking the charge => He gave a kick start...
Work in progress... much a frustration job it is to clean other's mess :{

Clock's tickin' the later half of night rather morning i should say, sleep pourin' in, but we were still on job!!

Fren told the captain that I am capable of doing all the stuffs (while we were in a circumstance)
.It was again a situation where a mere thought put a jolt to brain...
"What if I fail ?? No, but I shouldn't let the brand IIT go down !!"

Matrix movie scene started flashing down to pull my socks...

"Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Spoon boy: There is no spoon.

Neo: There is no spoon?

Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself. "

The last words, THE words, ONLY words again made me pull the situation in my favor.
Expectations met, happy faces, a pat on my back, a happy me.

Marathon won with a scope for improvement and promise to put things even better if required.
But TIME is the key.

This was actually meant to thank the Wachowski brother's for their masterpiece creation.
And to thank my mind that it always lets me do the right things at right time.
Bravo... I don't know for how much more time things will remain the same..but. but..

I m Dangerous !! ;^)


Nimesh Desai said…
Well, Neo is back and he is in full form! How many more weekends and nights you are supposed to be there?!

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