The Cuisine for brain.

I saw the present laws of physics shattered into pieces, the zillion billion gigawatts of energy required to create a wormhole was not a dream anymore. I did that, I don't know how but I did that and it was an empty cube roughly of size 4x4x4 m that was completely glowing, can't see what’s inside, I entered and Swoosh.....I went on an interstellar journey !!

wake up -- that’s my alarm tone, now what -- I am still in the same creepy world. The F word just popped out...I wanted to see what was beyond that, but I was no longer connected, may be someone switched off my zillion billion gigawatt generator! This was a dream-a sojourn, actually resulting out of my sheer anxiety to know about the interstellar and time travel; the anxiety built out of some fantasies, movies, LOST, justice league etcetera.

GOD knows me better than myself, I felt his presence... I was given a book "The Brief History of Time" by a dearest one very soon (heartiest thanks to him). Sparkle in my eyes. Page1, page2...... the twists n turns of brain got some delicious cuisine to eat after a long time. Too many old read Physics stuff again came into picture, another too many came for the first time and ...Hmmm, ohhh, is that so... no it can't be, let’s think about it.... Numerous questions, some got answered itself others still left inside.

Bosons, parallel universe, time-machine, e=mc2, quark, energy... Yummy! My brain said to me. I developed a true respect for the mighty chef - Sir Stephen Hawkins; he gave my hungry and thirsty brain some real great delicacies. This was after a long time I found myself so much eager to read/learn (reminds me of my old prep days for IIT); what after this book is finished??

In the meanwhile, I was roaming in some bookstore and suddenly eyes stuck somewhere, "Hyperspace" it named. Conscience guided me that this is gonna be my next level so better don't let the book vanish away. Then I thought who takes this kinda books today, everyone is busy reading some crappy novels; I will take it the next time, once I finish the first. Days passed and I finished the book. I felt like restraining my brain, may be this was not enough for me to stop (I want more).

Busy with the world, I was little out of the Physics stuff for a while. I got my hand on a novel lying aloof "3 mistakes....". Started reading.. same silly filmy novel, my brain missed the real stuff. That was meant for the guys from this world which I am NOT. Finished it just b'coz I started. Not impressed. Even if I was not into the Physics stuff this novel matter would have been a crap to me. Foolish I was who did a mistake by picking it up (forgive me for such derogatory comments). Without any delay search for "Hyperspace" began. Crossword store says no to me, 'It’s out of stock sir for the past 1 year and no chance in future, who reads this type today' - helpdesk told me. Why am I here, move on.. brain started dragging me out. Same shop, same place, same bookshelf where I first saw my next book... and I felt like kickin' myself. The book was gone and I was just left with some bad words for myself. But um not gonna loose my heart this way... lets ask the store manager.
Store manager- (keyboard tickin’) I can see the book is in the science shelf.. din't u find it there?
Me- No :(
Store manager- Lets give it one more try.
Me- U first.

"Hyperspace" was hiding below the nanoscience text. Why cannot the bookworms here keep things in the same fashion? (Kick their...). The curls of my lips were now crossing their limits. I've got it.

The 'Contents' portion of the book itself is enough to satisfy some hunger. While I still am in the first chapter of this book (the introductory part), I am impressed by the explanation power of Sir Michio, he has written about the invisibility of the higher dimensions (according to him are 'n' in numbers) which are the pathway to some other parallel universe; Somewhere he quoted that all these hypothetical things at present are based on mathematical calculations and could lead to the unification of all the current set of proven laws of Physics which may materialize the Star trek, time travel etc in coming future. All subatomic level Physics are made easy to enter brains of novice like me. The introduction about Wormholes talked about energy requirement which is next to impossible for its creation, better say it infinite in terms of our world’s total power generation figure! This is similar to what I saw dreamin', reminds me of a quote from some holy men “everything is interconnected”. Who knows what lies beneath? May be I am the one who could see the invisible dimensions!!
I still am in the start of this book and when I discuss, some say I’ve gone jerk. I say they can't see my hungry brain. I cannot conclude, still a long way to go.... may be I could figure out some conclusions while readin' or long time after I/ (I am) finish/ (finished) off. Hopefully I’ll be writing about a brief conclusion on my thirst in the coming days.

I can feel the vibrations from the 9th dimension (lol); let’s move into 'Hyper drive' to check how deep the event horizon lies ;^)


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